Cretan herbs

Category: Blog

Why herbs?

Our company is providing a good variety of premium quality Greek foods; an important part of our portfolio is herbs and medicinal plants from the island of Crete, from Cretan Rhizotomists.

We have chosen this company because their philosophy is aligned with ours.

Herbs are an integral part of a healthy lifestyle. Their nutritional value is unique and should be part of our daily diet. In Europe, we tend to focus to black tea but there are so many more herds. Herbs not have only medicinal properties but also they provide the elements of calmness and connection to Nature.

In our hectic lives, we tend to drink excessive amounts of coffee and tea, both containing high levels of caffeine. But, Nature is not making only coffee and tea, but a wide array of herbs with multiple health benefits.

Thousands years ago… some people based on observation and experience collected plants from the natural environment and supplied them to healers. Today, guided by the scientific knowledge of Ethnopharmacology, we are collaborating with Cretan Rhizotomists who choose to cultivate plants of the Cretan flora for the supply of pharmaceutical companies.

The philosophy of Cretan Rhizotomists

Cretan Rhizotomists believe that the sense of continuity, of our connection with the people who have lived for centuries in Greece, our “roots”, is not only useful but also necessary, a support that is so necessary for us to continue to exist…

We, people-plants-elements or roots (air-earth-fire-water), are interacting with a wonderfully comprehensive whole where individually and collectively strive to create wholeness within ourselves and our lives.

To discover it and set it free…, the Cretan Rhizotomists grow exclusively Cretan herbs and have no intention of shaking the centuries-old trust of people in nature.

Their pursuit is to contribute to the utilization of their healing power, not simply, as a source of valuable chemical substances but also as a reinforcement of the continuity, the wholeness of man-nature.

Linking science with business

All the scientific literature suggests that these herbs have strong anti-inflammatory and anti-oxidant activities.

Inflammation happens all the time in our bodies and in the cases that we have prolonged inflammation (i.e., chronic inflammation), a number of chronic diseases manifest.

Examples of these diseases are cardiovascular diseases, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes melitus type 2.

Oxidation is the process in our body that speeds up the distraction and the ageing of our cells.

Herbs can tackle both inflammation and oxidation; hence they should be a part of our daily diet. This is where Cretan Rhizotomists come into play as they collect these Cretan herbs and turn them into final products.

This is the reasoning that in our company we sell herbs and also a different life approach that originates from Crete.

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