Pistachios just before harvesting time

Pistachios : a gem of Greek land

Category: Blog

Why we import Greek pistachios?

The nutritional value of pistachios is high due to their high content of unsaturated fats, fiber and vitamins. All these food components have strong anti-inflammatory properties. In other words, they reduce inflammation in human body and slow down the onset of chronic diseases.
With the term “chronic diseases”, we mean a number of diseases like, cardiovascular diseases (CVD), cancer, stroke, high blood pressure, obesity and diabetes type 2.
The impact of chronic diseases is huge. Just for CVD the date are staggering: CVD is the cause of death for 18M every year, globally. In Ireland, alone, CVD kill 10,000 people every years, about one person every hour!
Pistachios can lower the cardiovascular risk and inflammation.
This is the reason, we have chosen pistachios to have in our “All Greek to You” range of Greek foods.

The story of our supplier

We have chosen to bring to you pistachios from the company “Kelyfos”
Kelyfos (κέλυφος in Greek) is the Greek k word for the hard shell that encloses and protects the precious kernel of the pistachio nut. The brand name reflects the way Kelyfos protects and nurtures the pistachios they produce.
Kelyfos has been cultivating the pistachio trees for over 40 years on land near the ancient city of Megara (about 40 km west of Athens). These trees, planted by their ancestors and inherited from generation to generation, benefit for the unique microclimate and soil of this region and the produces pistachios have a distinctive aroma and taste.
Over, the years, Kelyfos have developed cultivation and harvesting methods. Pistachios from Kelyfos are nutritious and with a great flavour.

Range of pistachios products

“All Greek to You” brings to you a number of different products of Kelyfos. Apart from their classiv raw pistachio, we have brought to you roasted pistachios with Fleur de Sel (a high quality salt) and pepper. Also, we have brought to you, 5 pastes of pistachios, each with a unique flavour.
1. gourmet with raw pistachios,
2. original nut crunchy,
3. with grape molasses and black raisins,
4. with white chocolate and mandarin and
5. with lemon and thyme.

Recipes using Kelyfos pistachios, are available here.


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